The Protocol describes principles to guide learners as they study and attempt their exam(s). It includes examples of prohibited behaviours. The Protocol also describes the process for reporting a suspected breach of the Protocol and the consequences for violating the Protocol which may include exam disqualification.
The purpose of the Protocol is to define the standards of conduct and behaviour expected from all individuals enrolled in TICO’s online professional education courses and exams delivered on the Oliver’s Solutions platform.
The Oliver’s Solutions learning platform requires a software download that allows students to complete their certification exams from the comfort of their home and remain compliant. All exam sessions are online and monitored both by audio and video (webcam) while students complete their certification exam. It also will prevent students from accessing other websites and allow only one monitor to be connected during the exam.
Following each exam session, Oliver’s will review the audio/video for compliance prior to sending a student’s final mark (pass/fail).
All students are expected to exhibit the following behaviour:
Students who do not adhere to TICO’s Exam Protocol may be subject to the following sanctions:
Students will be expected to agree to TICO’s Exam Protocol before starting the exam and again after the exam.